Whimzy | Fat Brain | Rock 'N Roller Piano - Whimzy

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Mon–Fri: 10am–6pm, Thurs til 7pm, Sat 10am-4pm

Rock 'N Roller Piano

The Rock 'N Roller Piano creates a ruckus of melody-making fun!
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Free Same Day Pickup Order by 3:00 pm, Mon-Sat

The mallet lets little ones bang out tunes both wild and wonderful. Meanwhile, flip to the other side and spin the wheels. Each note rings beautifully! Here's an idea the parents will really like.  Just pick up the keyboard side and roll all the wheels at once. It's a delightful clatter no kid can resist!

Early musical learning becomes a wild adventure with the Rock 'N Roller Piano. This piano is the most fun for children 10+ months and older.

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